Zingler's 10 Daily Non-Negotiables

They don't guarantee perfect days, but they help me win where I can.

They don’t guarantee perfect days, but they help me win where I can.

“10 Daily Non-Negotiable’s:

  1. Bible Study Session

  2. Writing Session

  3. Pro Dev Session

  4. Training Session

  5. Vocational Intentionality

  6. Tending of Animals

  7. Spend Quality Time w/ Family

  8. Tangibly Express Gratituide

  9. Minimum 30-Minute Reading

  10. Prayer/Reflection”

Every day is not a perfect day, but I try to win each day where I can.

Here are 10 Daily Non-Negotiables that help me. Maybe they can help you or inspire you to put together your own list in an effort to control what you can and win your days.

1.  Bible Study. I spend every morning in the Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotion App.  It takes no more than 5-10 minutes of time and it always starts my day on the right foot, putting everything into perspective for me.

2.  Writing Session. I’m doing it now. I try my best to write a minimum of 500 words every day. This not only helps me clear my mind, but share my thoughts with the world.

3.  Pro Dev Session. I do some sort of Professional Development every day. Whether that’s reading a specific book/article, learning a new skill, or brushing up on a sales technique, I’m growing every day.

4.  Training Session. It doesn’t have to be a deadlift max, but I am doing something physical every single day. walk, squat, or swing a KB, I am doing something. Just don’t miss.

5.  Vocational Intentionality. Work is not “my entire life” but it is a major part of it and I am going to give my kid’s my best every day.

6.  Tending of Animals. Not only do I believe the husbandry of animals to be a rewarding practice, but it is also one that takes a develops discipline.

7.  Spending Quality Time with Family. Again, some days it’s more than others, but I will, every day, spend a few moments with my family and tell them how deeply I love them.

8.  Tangibly Express Gratitude. It’s one of the easiest things to do an it’s one of the most rewarding. We have so much to be grateful for. Express it.

9.  30-Minute Read. Books are tools unlike any other that compound over time. They are a temporary escape from reality that can be used to enhance your reality. Read.

10.   Prayer/Reflection. I bookend my days with the Lord, not that I don’t seek him out in the middle of the day, but I ensure He is at the forefront of everything I do, daily.

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