S&C Shouldn't Be Viewed As An "Extra"

It is the very foundation for everything athletic.

It is the very foundation for everything athletic.

“Many view S&C as an a la carte concept to their sporting activities.

It’s that ‘do we really have to? Our time is limited, anyway’ extra thing.

In reality S&C is the plate all the food sits on.

Sure you can get by without it, but it’s a lot more effective when you have one.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I often have conversations with parents about the role of S&C.

And I understand the shoes they are wearing, too.

They have year-round games, tournaments, showcases, practices, extra lessons, & etc.

It’s constant. It’s never ending. More is always being added to their plates.

And now they have to add ANOTHER thing to their plate? They can’t just “do their sports stuff?”

They have to run more sprints, do plyometrics, lift weights, and throw medicine balls, too?

“When does it end!?!?”

I 100% get it. It’s a lot.

I’ll never be one to tell any individual how they should spend their time, nor will I tell them what they are doing or aren’t doing is right or wrong. It’s their lives. Their choices.

But I will globally educate to give people something to chew on. Whether or not they want to listen to me or agree with me, is again, up to them.

The reason things feel so crazy and never ending is because kids are doing too much sport specific activity.

I know it’s hard to say that out loud at dinner parties because everybody is doing it, so we quietly just accept it as “normal”, but they are.

Imagine you’re at a buffet. Unlimited food. All of it looks and smells delicious. You haven’t eaten in hours and you’re starving.

Are you thinking about the plate the food sits on?

Or are you thinking about indulging?

Indulging, right?

You’re grabbing the chicken, steak, salmon, potatoes, rice, mac ‘n cheese, casseroles, more and more and more, all you can eat.

Eat on that and then head back to taste any of the 15 desserts.

You literally can’t get enough because it’s all inclusive!

Now imagine trying to consume all of that food without a plate.

Again, the thing you were least concerned about when you walked in.

Those boring glass circles stacked neatly before the food.

You didn’t give them a thought.

But how would you have gotten to maximize your experience at the buffet without the boring piece of glass to set all your food on?

It gets ZERO credit, but the plate is what made the enjoyment of the experience possible.

The plate is Strength & Conditioning.

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