The world will pay them (handsomely) for it.
“In today’s world simply having your kids to physically hard things, consistently, will give them a huge edge.
What was once a societal expectation is now a massive differentiator.
The kids who do hard things develop a work ethic, discipline, & resilience.
And they win, too.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
I was talking with a parent of a client who I deeply respect and he said something to me that was very profound.
He said, “you grew up in an era where you had the internet, but you still actually had to do sh*t.”
And then it hit me.
Kid’s don’t have to do things (physically) anymore and not only do they not have to, after speaking with many colleagues and friends in our ‘physical struggle’ industry, parents will go to great lengths to shelter their kids from physical work.
I remember “back in my day” in Middle School and HS, if somebody had a job, landscaping, mulch, moving furniture, etc, we would fight over who could get the work and then be slave driven for less than $10/hour and be damn thankful for it, too.
Now? Now kids don’t even know how to crank leaf blowers or open A-Frame ladders.
I have side projects going on all the time at my properties and I deeply desire to give kids the opportunity to do the work because I am extremely grateful for the opportunity adult folks gave me as a youngin’ to learn a thing or two about hard work and make some money.
But damn is it hard to find them. Fortunately, there are still a few “good ol boys” in the system but 10 years ago when I put a post on social about needing a hand with some (paid) work, it wouldn’t be 5 minutes before the opportunity was gobbled up. These days, I’ve got to go searching for it, despite actually enjoying doing it myself.
This got me thinking about something.
In America, it is so easy to win. Like laughably easy.
I have a lot of “dumb friends” who stumbled their way to 6 figure incomes in their early 20’s by simply showing up, working hard, and taking a marginal amount of pride in their craft.
Now, in their early 30’s they own/manage operations within trades.
Their stories aren’t nearly as attractive as the ones you hear about at dinner parties, but damn are they effective.
Doing hard things is a cheat code in the modern world. Hard things will literally pay you, and handsomely at that.