They want their citizens compliant & dependent. They are easier to manipulate that way.
“The government wants weak, compliant., dependent citizens.
It’s how they can leverage and control them.
This is why we don’t emphasize physical education and self sustainability in the school hall.
We subject our kids to the (broken) ‘system’ in hopes of churning out more robots.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
Think about it.
We don’t teach the concept of health and prevention in America.
We teach the react and medicate concept.
“There’s an app AND a pill for that!”
When you look at the money in big pharma, why would we teach our citizens to be health conscious and responsible when there are copious sums of money to be made off of the naïve, lazy, and irresponsible.
It’s not about what’s healthy or what’s right, it’s about what generates the most money.
This is typically the case from little league baseball all the way up to end-of-life care.
I’ve been speaking a lot recently on the importance of teaching our youth to do hard things. From lifting weights to manual labor there is an immense amount of value in voluntary physical hardship.
Kids in the public school system are in school ~180 days/year, ~7 hours/day from ages ~5-18.
Collectively speaking, that’s around 2,340 days, or just under 6.5 FULL years of their lives. Over 16,000 hours of their childhood are spent at school.
All this time in school and our kids ‘might’ get 20 minutes per week of physical education?
Look at a country like Finland, one of the healthiest and well educated in Europe. They blow our standards out of the water and their physical education doesn’t take away from their academia in the slightest. It actually (heavily) enhances it. Those damn scientifically sound, research utilizing Finns!
But again, America wants it’s citizenry weak, compliant, and dependent.
The reason is because there is much to gain by politicians and elitists when they can use simple leverage to out maneuver the feeble pawns they’ve enabled.
And why wait until they are ‘of age’ to do so?
Why not demonize strength, physical fitness, health and well-being right out of the gate?
You might be saying “this guy is nuts!” But am I?
Just take a look at the current landscape of your government led school system.
Look at the PE programs. Where did Home Ec go? What about Shop Class? 4H & FFA are dying, too.
Are all AP’s at the expense of not being able to do physical work or understand the concept of a mortgage really worth it?
The answer is no.