Money isn’t the real wealth currency, time is. They just won’t tell you that.
“Rich people are after things & status.
They usually attain them by expensing their time.
Wealthy people are after ownership of their time & fulfillment.
They usually attain them by being strategic & disciplined.
Money isn’t the real wealth currency.
Time is.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
You have to work hard.
You have to educate yourself.
The systemized government schooling that takes place inside 4 walls that we are groomed to accept today doesn’t effectively translate to the ever-evolving streets/virtual landscape that we are living on and in today.
You have to take your work ethic and education and an add immense amount of value to the marketplace.
You have to. Or of course, you can be a bum and let other hard working, educated folks pay your freight fees. But if you want to be an upstanding citizen who adds value to the world, you have to work hard and you have to have practical education.
See our current model of government schooling is over 100 years old. It was a model that was created not to build dynamic free thinkers, but to build and mold workers. Laborers.
Notice the whole M-F, 8-hour days, give you a cookie if you do good, and take the weekends off structure?
It looks a lot like factories did in the 1950’s.
Trade your time for dollars 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, we’ll lure you with some incentives so long as you pave ‘The Man’s’ way until you’re 65. Then and only then can you retire and die.
What a life!
But, remember, “Climb the ladder! Go get that promotion! Only a few more years (decades) until you get that pension!”
We are still teaching that old way of thinking.
We are still teaching kids with social media and adult examples that success is fancy houses, jet skis, luxury cars, and status.
Work, work, work, just like they want you to so you can have all these nice things and be ‘perceived’ as a “winner”.
They use the cheese to lure the rat in the race. And guess what, those rats are still chasing.
But guess what.
Money isn’t the real wealth currency.
Time is.
The reason having a strong work ethic and real education is so important is because the objective is to leverage them.
How can you leverage your effort and education to purchase more time to do things that fulfill your life’s purpose?
That is the actual game.
Old men in suits are still teaching you the old one.