There Isn't A Better Investment For A Youth Athlete Than A Professional Strength Coach

The real ones serve as mentors who help them perform on the field, but most importantly, well beyond it.

The real ones serve as mentors who help them perform on the field, but most importantly, well beyond it.

“Going to a gym & randomly moving your limbs with an assortment of fancy machines..

And going to a training facility to be coached by Professionals who understand strength/speed/power development, sporting requirements, & energy systems..

Are as different as different gets.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Look, going to a globo gym is a fine thing.

Anybody who goes to a location and moves their limbs up and down/side to side for any length of time, any amount of days per week is going to be better off than the person who chooses not to partake in the activity.

However, better off in no world equals “the best”, especially in the context of youth athletic development.

Following some TikTok influencer’s rugged chest destruction work out at a globo gym and being coached to improve strength, speed, power, and resilience, in a manner that translates to on field sport performance enhancement are not the same thing.

And what do you think 15-year-old Jimmy is doing?

Following a scientifically sound, research backed performance training program that takes a professional to design, conduct, and auto-regulate in real time based on a variety of factors..

Or drinking some garbage pre work out juice and following a tiktok routine he and his buddies heard about last week.

It’s most definitely the ladder.

This is why it can be very frustrating as a sports performance coach when you hear things like “oh, but training is too expensive.”

And I don’t mean frustrating in the sense that I’m upset that somebody can’t afford it. Nor, do I have any right or desire to tell somebody else how they should prioritize their own resources.

But I’ll explain why its not “too expensive” and the value is there.

Our most precious resource in the world is time.

Not money, not houses, cars, clothes, or jewelry, but time.

You can choose a less valuable option (globo gym for example) but the hidden cost most don’t see in randomly dumping kids off at a gym with no direction, is the expense of the resource that is far more valuable than money.. time.

And for those who argue “yeah, but the globo gym is more valuable than private training”.

No it isn’t.

If it were, it would cost more.

But it doesn’t because it’s not as valuable. The value isn’t in having access to metal.

The value is found in being coached to maximize your time and results.

Results that require professional guidance.

Remember, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” -WB

Invest in a strength coach, today.

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