Now More Than Ever, Our Kids Need Mentors Equipped with Sound Morals & Rigid Backbones.

Caving to political correctness in a broken world, doesn't help them navigate it.

Caving to political correctness in a broken world, doesn’t help them navigate it.

“The world is a crazy place.

Now more than ever, our kids need mentors equipped with morals & backbones to guide them.

Stand up for what is right, even at the expense of being labeled old school.

It’s better than sitting down in fear of judgement & letting TikTok raise them.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I don’t get into politics. I think there are idiots on both sides.

I, like I believe a lot of people are, am in the middle.

But the problem with the middle, with using rationale, sound judgment & morals to influence life decisions is that the middle doesn’t sell.

The middle doesn’t get the ratings the MSM is after because they can’t sell garbage without the squeaky wheels.

The squeaky wheels, who mind you are few, are then used to paint the picture of the way they want you to believe America is.

And the problem is most folks buy it. They actually believe the garbage they hear, and like players in a game, feed right into the divisive narrative big brother has constructed.

‘They’ simply start a small fire and then let ‘The People’ turn it into a forest fire.

And what’s crazy is that you’d think by now, as a society, we’d understand the deception associated with their scheme, and we’d adjust our tactics to not be duped, but we don’t.

All they have to do is change a few variables, adjust a few levers, and voila, they’ve got you back to arguing with strangers on Social Media using the algorithms they’ve manipulated to stir you up.

The crazy part about all this..

I’ve not even talked about our kids yet.

These are grown adults I’m talking about with mortgage payments & 401k’s, who regularly feed into this stuff and are fooled by the ways of the world.

Can you imagine our kids who are growing up in this world?

How the hell can we expect them to decode this stuff if adults can’t even do it?

Kid’s think TikTok is real and food comes from Chic-Fil-A.

Now more than in any other time in human history is it absolutely VITAL for our kids to be led by strong mentors with backbones who do not cave to political correctness.

Leaders who do not stay quiet in fear of repercussions.

If you are “judged” negatively or “penalized” in a lost and broken world for standing up and leading our kids morally, does that not prove to you right there that what you’re doing is right?

If I’m “wrong” in a broken world, hell I aim to be wrong.

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