The Modern "Performance Guru" Isn't Who He Says He Is.

Reading between the lines, goes a long way.

Reading between the lines, goes a long way.

There are “Performance Coaches” with thousands of followers on Instagram & TikTok who couldn’t tell you who Verkhoshansky, Francis, or Bompa are..

But they’ll try to sell you their ‘new’ program with hurdle hops and banded shuffling in it.

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The world is a wild place.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

One of the greatest challenges I have and likely will always have in my Professional career is mass visibility.

I’m not complaining about it. I’m just telling you what it is.

The only way I’ll get “instafamous” (can’t think of anything less I’d rather be) is if I did what the masses of other instafamous folks do:

Prey on the unknowing masses perception and focus on entertainment over quality.

Lying to people and hiring a half decent videographer to film your deception in today’s world can literally take you to the (perceived) top of the mountain.

I just don’t have it in my DNA or the last name my father gave me to be a fraud for personal gain. I’d rather go broke doing it right.

But it’s like who do you worry about more?

The phonies selling the garbage or the masses of consumers not having the bullshit detector to steer clear of them?

It’s quite troubling regardless of how you look at it.

In our industry, we have guys with no credibility, no education, & no quality control, putting our kids, children, through completely asinine, development robbing garbage and people buy it because bro’s put the trash in a box and put a bow on it on Instagram. (Even the Instagram videos are horrid.)

They put some personal branding on their nonsense and call it “new”.

Not only is their garbage not new, what they are (falsely) attempting to do is spitting in the faces of the pioneers in our industry who came before us, while simultaneously stealing from consumers.

These guys don’t even know how to prescribe and implement plyometrics correctly.

Do you think they know who Yuri Verkhoshansky is? Who!? (Exactly).

Of course they don’t.

His book, Supertraining costs more than all of the implements they have stuffed in their Speed & Agility duffle bags, combined. And the book isn’t expensive either.

Despite my messages largely falling on deaf ears, I will not stop. I will stay on my mission to better educate and serve those who desire to learn, challenge the status quo, and do things the right way.

If I can help one, my efforts are worth it.

Please do your homework. If not for yourself, for our kids.

They deserve the best.

Thanks for reading Zingler Strength ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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