10 Simple Steps To Enhance The Life Of Another

Difference makers are wildly intentional with their impact inducing actions

Difference makers are wildly intentional with their impact inducing actions

“1. Acknowledge them.

  1. Listen to them.

  2. Bond with them.

  3. Establish trust with them.

  4. Simplify for them.

  5. Create a plan for them.

  6. Encourage them.

  7. Hold them accountable.

  8. Acknowledge their wins.

  9. Love them.

Watch what happens in their life & yours.”

-Ray Zingler on X

In a world that is working rapidly to minimize personal connection, people need people more than ever. Especially our young people.

Making a difference in the life another is simple, it’s just not easy. Here is a general blueprint of what I have found works for me:

1)    Acknowledge them. We live in such a fast-paced world today that many people, who are often looking down at their phones, don’t even know people’s names, much less acknowledge them. Acknowledge people, look them in the eye, converse with them on. Its step 1 in impacting them.

2)    Listen to them. People want to talk about themselves. It’s human nature. If you’d like to positively impact someone you must defer your desire to be heard and give THEM the stage.

3)    Bond with them. This is likely the most important part of the process. Being introspective, vulnerable, and authentic with people creates a sense of relatively and allows for the holy grail of impact potential to take place…

4)    Establish trust with them. You cannot positively impact someone who does not trust you. Prioritizing the above is the only way you can set the table for a relationship built on trust to take off.

5)    Simplify for them. People need help (this guy is waving his hand, too) and you help people by simplifying for them. Even if a problem is “complex”, breaking it down to and attacking it simplest form is how you slay the beast.

6)    Create a plan for them. People need a map. A blueprint that establishes where they are, where they’re trying to go, and what it will take to get there. If you can give them that, they can get started.

7)    Encourage them. Once people get started on anything, they need somebody to lean on. Be that rock in their life.

8)    Hold them accountable. The going is going to get tough rather quickly. Staying steady Eddy along the way will serve them best.

9)    Acknowledge their wins. Clap for them. And clap hard. Oftentimes, especially initially, we believe in others more deeply than they can believe in themselves.

10) Love them. Is there anything more important than love? There isn’t. Don’t tell them you love them. Show them. Everyday.

Watch what happens in your life in theirs.

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